Enhanced Agent/Campaign Level Statistics

I have a longer post about this on the discussion board so I will try to be more brief and to the point here.

There are a variety of agent level and campaign level statistics that are needed. Below you will find a list of potential statistic names and definitions.

Conversations/Contacts = Prospect was actually reached and said yes, no or maybe to pledging.

Success Rate/Participation = Prospects who said yes / total number of conversation/contacts.

Credit Rate = Of prospects who pledged, how many fulfilled immediately

Conversation/Contact Rate = Prospects contacted / total number of completed prospects (measure of data cleanliness)

To make things work for now, I wrote a python script that reads our agent call logs and generates these statistics for each campaign (at the aggregate level, agent level, and trended level). It also generates these statistics for each agent overall and at the campaign level. The script saves the statistics to an excel file and has been very helpful but it's fragile and not the prettiest thing ever.

You can find some of the images I posted over in the discussion forum or if needed I could repost them here or share more of my work.

In summary, we need more summary statistics at the agent and campaign level. I'm sure that what I have done here is not an exhaustive example of what is ultimately needed. Perhaps the community can help with the discovery process.

  • Guest
  • Dec 15 2020
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