Many of my callers run into the problem where they get someone on the phone who says "oh just send me an email about it" and we don't have an efficient way to do that. Normal I will have the students send an unspecified pledge (I've decided to change pledge subject line to 'Thanks for Speaking with Phonathon") and taking out the prewritten text and replace it with info about whatever fund we are working on.
It would be really great to have an options where students could click a 'requested more info button" and that way it won't count toward a pledge, thus making it look like our pledge fulfillment rate is lower, but also we could see how many people who just like to have an email sent to them without a phone call. We do send an email with information after the second unanswered call, but if they answer on the first call, there are a few play steps they need to get through first. It's also a little harder to ignore an email you are expecting, or know to look out for.